Friday, July 8, 2011

Tastykakes in Space!

...or should I say "Spacetykakes!"

Anyone who is from the East Coast or has visited has probably tried (and enjoyed) the ubiquitous Tastykakes. Tastykakes come in all styles and flavors and can be purchased at just about every grocery store and gas station. Whenever I'm home, I pick up some of my favorites: Lemon and Apple Tastykake Pies (or as I call them, Tastypies).

Apparently I'm not the only one who enjoys these sweet treats. Chris Ferguson, the commander of the final Space Shuttle mission which is currently on-orbit, is a Philadelphia native and brought some along with him on this mission.

He also brought a Chase Utley jersey up on his last mission, which makes my #26 jersey suddenly seem way less cool as it has never been in orbit. I wonder if he ever wrote Chase a letter like Mac did?

Congratulations Fergie, you're my new favorite astronaut!


Becca said...

So what's really funny is until you and Erin told me I had no idea Tastykakes were a Philadelphia thing. I have never gone looking for them, I just ASSUMED everyone grew up with them. Suckers.

nujoud said...

I worked with Fergie on my COAS project for Orion. When I was briefing the outcome of the project, while only a week before Zara's due date and planning to start maternity leave the next day (a.k.a. actually gave birth), he told me now that I was finished with the project the Crew Office was a 'Go' for baby. It was awesome. He is a good astronaut to pick for a favorite and is an all around good guy.

Sac Hermes Kelly said...

I really can't handle how sad I am over him dying. On the bright side, I can always drown my sorrows in fan fiction.

Also, I just read this article in Wired magazine & this quote made me happy.

'Harry Potter revealed a mass audience for fantasy that nobody was aware of, not even the people who were part of it. We were legion, and we didn’t even know it. Dostoevsky once said, “We all crawled out from under Gogol’s ‘Overcoat,’” and it’s just as true to say that we all crawled out from under Harry’s cloak of invisibility. He made being a fantasy nerd cool. Or, no, that’s not quite right. We didn’t change. The world changed around us: Harry Potter made everyone a little bit uncool.'